Unique gifts inspired by Mexican
and Latin American festivals and tradition
Keep track of important dates in 2025 with a calendar that reflects your style and spirit! This stylish calendar not only helps you stay organized but also works as a decorative piece with unique artwork to go with each month.
• Paper pages bound with a silver-color metal wire
• Paper weight: 8 oz/yd² (271 g/m²)
Welcome! My stickers, t-shirts & other gear are inspired by Mayan and Aztec graphics. My designs are quintessentially colorful, politically relevant and even funny.
Edgar R. Ayala
Graphic Designer, Maker and Entrepreneur based in Oakland, California.
LaNetaNeta is the brain child of graphic designer Edgar R. Ayala. This brand celebrates the coloquial Spanish expression —LaNetaNeta— which means what's truthful and/or inevitable.